Date: 9-11th Dec
Location: Jo's house at woodlands
Theme: Hobbies
Day 1 (9th dec evening) : Went to jo's house with the rest of the babes in the evening. Arrived around 8plus. haha. The house was a peaceful, simple and the best part is that you can see the sea! You can see Johor, the causeway. We did a house dedication, watched step up 2, naruto and 3 idiots. My hobby was up first, and yes i think some of you can guess, it is watching anime that's why we watched naruto together. Just a short comedy clip, about 20mins. So much laughter, joy and fun till 4am.
Day 2 (10th dec full day): Woke up around 8plus...QT....grace's came. It was monkey's hobby next. Walking! So we all went down to woodlands waterfront and walk along the sea...or isit causeway? went to a jetty, alot of people were fishing (the water's quite dirty tho). Then...played at a so-called multi-generation playground. Felt like a kid, remember the times when I played with the kids in lakeside family daycare, always so much energy. I loved the swing! It makes os feel so free. Everytime you put in effort and strength, you go higher! Like the wind is pushing you...
act lunch at the nearby hawker centre...went grocery shopping....bought a lot of ingredients for phyliicia's cooking hobby :) went back, and it was grace's hobby. Watching movie time! Inviticus...(if I'm not wrong). Great show about Nelson Mandela, South Africa and rugby. Then, around 4pm, it's phylli's cooking hobby. We all got together to help cook a meal, which will be our dinner for the day. I really loved it. Think that's my favourite hobby. I like it how everybody helped one another, be it cutting mushrooms, washing the pots, pealing the onions, garlic, or even just taking photos of was all amazing. Grace decided to use the extra minced meat to make meatballs! Yummy! Yeah, I helped her fry them.
Went to TC for campus rev, came back around 11pm...bath...and time for Vic's awesome card making lesson! Yup that's one of her hobbies. It looks complicated, but if you pay attention and try, it is not that bad at all :) Jo showd us some wedding videos and went to sleep around 2am plus...I LOVE PHYLLI's BEDTIME STORY. haha
11th dec (to me it's whole day): woke up at 7plus...left the house with all our bags at around 815am....set off for Punggol Marina Country Club. Had stomachache along the way and had to drop at buangkok to go toilet. aiyo...missed the shuttle bus so we all took taxi to the club (that was quite hard...). Finally did wakeboarding. Yeah, that's jo's hobby. You can go facebook to see some of my photos. Everyone got a shot at it and I must say that we all really did enjoy ourselves. I managed to stang halfway, but ya, still not quite there yet. FUN! Chiong to bath, and took the shuttle bus to compass point. Ate lunch and rush down to tct for teensxcite and ushering. Went for adult service and finally reached back home around 10pm plus...
So tired that i slept on the floor. haha Gor did talk to me abit, but I think I only answered him abit. Pa and monkey had to drag me to bathe...finally went to bed slightlyover midnight..
I loved every moment of the retreat. Though it was tiring, but this experience really got me to bond closer with the darlings in cell. It helped me to understand them better, what they enjoy doing, what they like, how they feel, each other's strengths and weaknesses...was debating between going for this retreat of helping out as a guide in teensidol camp. I'm glad I've chosen the former. I've always tell myself that i need to spend time with my own cell and not always with the's really a balance of the two...and of course, I need to spend time with my family week papa took leave, so ya. Can spend more time with them all. Ever since after exams, it has been going out with friends...
Thanks JO and LOUIS for hosting us. Your home is beautiful. It was really awesome to have a retreat there, the both of you have been a blessing to us all :)
Das ist alles leute. Viel viel dank.