Monday, August 2, 2010


I read somewhere that "Faith makes all things possible....Love makes all things easy." I thought that this is totally true...Faith isn't faith until it is all that you're holding onto...but it is because you still choose to hold on to it, you still choose to believe in it...that gives u a ray of hope that it is possible. Thus faith makes all things possible, even though you can't see it, but as long you can feel it, as long as you can see it in your heart...that makes it possible.

Faith is believeing in things when common sense says not to. It is the knowledge of the heart, not of the brain....

Even if your brain says it is stupid, it is so hard...people will think that you're're not going to make it....but if your heart choose to disregard all these and instead choose to hold onto faith, then you will see the opposite of all these comments.

But I feel it is that it is important that faith is accompanied by love. You need to love others and not just get too caught up with what you want to attain. Beacuse the things that we want to attain will afect people...don't be too caught up with your own targets....but see people as humans with feelings, with hearts....with  pains, joy, anger etc...People are not mere objects...don't let your faith just be things to achieve...goals....but do achieve them with a heart of love...

That's why faith and love need to go together. That's when you can fufill and experience your purpose. That's when you'll see His dreams, your dreams for Him, and yet to still be a blessing to the people around you.

6 weeks of FAITH + LOVE...soon it will be a  lifestyle...I this want to be my lifestyle.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Jia Yee! I'm yuan hao. great to have met up with you during RAG last week. Take care ya? See you around in NUS sometime soon!
